
I’ve been thinking about the places where experience, the history of our experiences, sits within our bodies.

In the hips, so that a yoga stretch can make memories surface.

In the spine, so that something unresolved can make you unable to unfurl.

ceiling light

In the centre of your chest, where your heart is, even though it’s just a pump, proven quite easily so by a simple test. Just a pump that we can feel sink when we hear bad news, or that grows heavy with sorrow. What’s happening inside? Does your blood get thicker so it can’t move so well? That this amazing muscle suddenly adds fibres to itself and fits and starts and murmurs?

We might not have souls that mimic our bodies, pinned like a paper clothes pattern to our edges. Our consciousness could be in our hearts, though the neurons in our brains do the work. And these places in our bodies, these repositories, are they like rock pools washed in and out by a tide? Filled now by a wave of consciousness, and left with the sandy residue of a past.

What anemones flower in those places in the dark of the middle of the night?

What can be re-opened. What can’t be lost.

I’ve been thinking about changing the title of my book in progress from ‘outrigger’ to something about a house of many rooms, after a bible note I heard at a friend’s funeral this week gone. This life is only one of those rooms. Imagine if we could open the doors and walk between each one.

We could say see you, instead of goodbye.

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