September: Baby, I’m on Fire

It’s better to burn out than it is to rust in a hotel room in a city you don’t know where the nearest anything is not the bus not the metro not even if there is a metro. It’s better to burn out how could this story end otherwise if not like that and so you took the powder like she showed yer and you put the music on shuffle which will take a long time you know you have so many days worth of songs on there but it seems to have been stuck on to the saddest songs for a while back then for awhile like you said after you skipped forward a few cause that one was making you nervous anyway it was after you drank the rest of expensive whiskey you’d been given the other day by a well-wisher and you wonder if he did wish you well but maybe just wanted you to mention it in an interview with you being so hot right now you heard that in a film and it was funny then and seemed to be some relic of the past, old men trying to be cool. All the clichés.Was it more one of those hasten her decline things an issue you’ve been hearing a lot about waiting in the hotel reception making no effort to be new at all like that is the point and they don’t get it but it wasn’t for them and the wind in your heart and the dust in your hair and you can reference the past and the future but the only ones that get it are. Not them, you’re feeling it, being young.


The driver pulling up to the hotel and they’re waiting there and the staff tell you there are some packages for you and some nice like the whiskey and some not so good as that but it’s cool, you know, it’s cool it’s a thing, like a reaction is better than nothing, like, we need it like the world is only going to last another fifteen years max so what are they worrying for getting to the car from the studio pushing through those who know it and are graspy wanting to hold on to someone who gets it too and the bruises rise on top of the bruises from before it’s not that surprising, really, in the studio letting him go all he calls the shots that’s his phrase it’s funny you let him the power’s in you every morning they rust in the sun and while it sets you burn.


  1. Has a great rhythm when read out loud. Feels like a performance piece.

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